A request for information is a request for public information submitted by the person requesting information.
Public information is the information recorded and documented by the Unemployment Insurance Fund in the performance of its public tasks, by any means and on any medium to which access is not restricted by law. The procedure for requesting information does not include replying to memoranda (e.g., proposals, provision of information) and requests for clarification (e.g., queries on the implementation of the Unemployment Insurance Act).
The request for information shall be made orally (by phone or at the Unemployment Insurance Fund) or in writing (at the Unemployment Insurance Fund or by post or e-mail). We will respond to the request within five working days.
Please note that not every referral is a request for information. A request for information asks for the information already available in the institution (such as a document or extract) and shall be answered within five working days. If you are asking for an estimate or advice from the Unemployment Insurance Fund, pointing out deficiencies or want action to be taken, this is not a request for information and the deadline for the reply is longer.